how we practice

Make sure our clients love us when the project is over.  It’s amazing how easy our business decisions are when this is our primary goal.  Give clients all the information they need to make good decisions.  We’re not always certain what you should do, but we want to make sure that when you have to make decisions, we’ve given you everything you need.  

Play Nice.  Treat our employees well.  Pick up after ourselves.  Leave things better than we found them.  Be grateful, compassionate, and gracious.  When we have a great idea that would help others, share it freely.  Help everyone get to the best idea.

Ask for Help.  Nothing we’ve ever done well was done alone.  Collaborate and seek the input of others.

Evolve.  History offers lessons and can inform, but the solutions to TODAY’s problems are in front of us to discover, not behind us to nostalgically relive.  

“It’s not about the world of design.  It’s about the design of the world.”  - Bruce Mau  

Look for the design project in everything we do.  Everything is design.  Design can make everything better:  a detail, a piece of furniture, a room, a building, a block, a neighborhood, a city, a world.